Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

The Ten Tips

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.

2. Tell someone about your commitment. 

Quote: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus Christ

Reflection: The first two tips for being more truthful are to make a commitment to tell the truth and tell someone about your commitment. This is very important because it shows that you are serious about becoming more truthful with yourself. Being truthful means you always tell the truth and when you do that more people will have faith in you because you never lie and they will trust you. If you make a commitment to tell the truth then you mostly likely won’t break it and if you tell someone about your commitment then you more even more commitment to telling the truth because you wouldn’t want to let that person down.


3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.


4.Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

Reflection: It is very important to know the extend  of your sarcasm because you might take it too far without knowing. You have to also be very careful when you use exaggeration and irony because they can hurt peoples feels.


5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.

Reflection : It is always important to tell the truth about everything. If you leave part of the truth out then you are being dishonest and if you twist the truth you are making a lie that can hurt people.  If you always tell the truth about everything people will know that you are honest and you will like you more as a person because they know that you can be trusted. Once people know that you can be trusted they will have confidence that you will keep a secret and always tell the truth no matter what. 


6. Don’t indulge in little white lies.

Reflection: It is very important to not indulge in little white lies. Even if you lie a little it is still bad because even the smalls lies can hurt someone. If you tell little white lies then you are not a truthful person. Even if you make a joke that contains a lie, that is still bad cause you told a lie and the fact that its a joke doesn’t make it better.

7. Watch out for silent lies.

Reflection: The seventh key is to watch out for silent lies. Silent lies are as bad as little white lies. Silent lies are when you don’t mean to tell a lie, but it still comes out by accident. Silent lies can still hurt others feelings. Silent lies are also as bad as any lie not just a little white lie. 


8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.

Reflection: The eighth tip is, when you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse. What this tip means is that if you catch yourself telling a lying stop lying and start telling the truth.If you keep on lying then you are a liar because you knew you were lying and continued to lie, but if you stop yourself and correct yourself then you are not a liar.


9. Talk to yourself

Reflection: The ninth tip is, talk to yourself. Talking to yourself can help you a lot because you hear what you are going to say before you say it. Talking to yourself can help prevent a lie that you would’ve told. 

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

Reflection: The final tip is, treat yourself when you tell the truth. It is important to treat yourself when you tell the truth because it helps you remember why you always tell the truth. You don’t always have to treat yourself when you tell the truth, just once in a while. Telling the truth makes you a honest person, people will have faith in you, and they will be able to trust you because you are a truthful person. When you always tell the truth ad never lie then you are CTR person. 


The 10 tips for being more truthful has benefit me in many ways. It has help me stop lying. It also made me realize that every lie is bad no matter if it’s the smallest lie it’s still bad. The 10 tips for being more truthful have showed me how to become a better person. I’m applying every tip to my life because every tip is important and valuable. This is making a huge difference in my life because I have seen that lying is bad and this has made me into a better person. I would incorporate every tip to my life planning goals by making sure that every goal I write that i will accomplish it.

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